Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications

Timothy J. Ross "Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications"
Wiley | 2004-08-16 | ISBN: 0470860758 | 650 pages | PDF | 4,5 MB
Wiley | 2004-08-16 | ISBN: 0470860758 | 650 pages | PDF | 4,5 MB
Fuzzy logic refers to a large subject dealing with a set of methods to characterize and quantify uncertainty in engineering systems that arise from ambiguity, imprecision, fuzziness, and lack of knowledge. Fuzzy logic is a reasoning system based on a foundation of fuzzy set theory, itself an extension of classical set theory, where set membership can be partial as opposed to all or none, as in the binary features of classical logic.
Fuzzy logic is a relatively new discipline in which major advances have been made over the last decade or so with regard to theory and applications. Following on from the successful first edition, this fully updated new edition is therefore very timely and much anticipated. Concentration on the topics of fuzzy logic combined with an abundance of worked examples, chapter problems and commercial case studies is designed to help motivate a mainstream engineering audience, and the book is further strengthened by the inclusion of an online solutions manual as well as dedicated software codes.
Fuzzy logic is a relatively new discipline in which major advances have been made over the last decade or so with regard to theory and applications. Following on from the successful first edition, this fully updated new edition is therefore very timely and much anticipated. Concentration on the topics of fuzzy logic combined with an abundance of worked examples, chapter problems and commercial case studies is designed to help motivate a mainstream engineering audience, and the book is further strengthened by the inclusion of an online solutions manual as well as dedicated software codes.
wah, mba rahma orang yogyakarta yah...bagus sekali udah saya download, makasih ya...
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