Contoh Soal UKK Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 3 Semester 2 + kunci jawaban
Pemerintah Kota Bandung
Dinas Pendidikan

SD Negeri Derwati
Jl. Derwati No. 40 Kec. Rancasari
Dinas Pendidikan

SD Negeri Derwati
Jl. Derwati No. 40 Kec. Rancasari
I. Chose the correct answers by crossing a, b, c or d!
1. Wednesday,.....friday
A. thursday
B. wednesday
C. tuesday
D. saturday
2. There are....days in a week
A. seven
B. six
C. ten
D. twelve
3. The day before wednesday is....
A. thursday
B. wednesday
C. tuesday
D. saturday
4. The month before May is....
A. march
B. august
C. april
D. december
5. The month after august is....
A. october
B. september
C. november
D. july
6. Mother goes to...., she buys vegetable and fruit
A. post office
B. mosque
C. library
D. market
7. My mother is a doctor. She works in....
A. hospital
B. library
C. mosque
D. school
8. Mrs. Henny is a teacher, she teachs many student, she works in....
A. hospital
B. library
C. mosque
D. school
9. I am Akbar. I am a student, I need....
A. car, uniform, handphone, money
B. book, pen, pencil, bag
C. house, car, sofa, bed
D. ring, bicycle, shoes, food
10. My father is a....

B. farmer
C. doctor
D. driver
11. She is my sister, she is a....

B. doctor
C. nurse
D. dancer

B. beside
C. behind
D. on
13. The bag is.....the doll

B. beside
C. behind
D. on

14. There is a...in the bedroom
A. spoon
B. pillow
C. tooth paste
D. stove
15. There are....,.....in the bathroom
A. soap, shampoo
B. blanket, pillow
C. book, bag
D. plate, glass
16. Mother cooks in the....
A. diningroom
B. bathroom
C. kitchen
D. garage

B. no, it isn't
C. yes, it isn't
D. no, they are not
18. Is it frying pen?

B. no, it isn't
C. yes, it isn't
D. no, they are not
19. The spell of cup is....
A. C - U - P
B. si - yu - pi
C. si - yu - ef
D. ce - yu - pe
20. ji - el - ei - es - es




II. Match
- william is christian, he goes to....
- Ahmad is moeslem, he pray in....
- Mother buy vegetable in....
- I take a bath in....
- We celebrate Kartini day is....
- The day after saturday is....
- The building is for animal is....
- Rega sleep in....
- Belakang in english is....
- Father saves money in....
A. mosque
B. zoo
C. bank
D. behind
E. sunday
F. market
G. april
H. bedroom
I. church
J. bathroom
Kunci Jawaban
1. a
2. a
3. c
4. c
5. b
6. d
7. a
8. d
9. b
10. d
11. d
12. a
13. b
14. b
15. a
16. c
17. b
18. a
19. b
20. c
1. I
2. A
3. F
4. J
5. G
6. E
7. B
8. H
9. D
10. C
hatur nuhun Ibu....
sami-sami, nuhun atos dilinggihan....
Thank's Ibu, izin copas ...
Ass. ibu, bisa minta tolong soal2 sd kelas 3 dan 6 untuk semester 1? saya butuh sekali. kalau tidak merepotkan bisa minta kirim ke email saya di mahfi_yusuf@yahoo.com
hatur nuhun.
Jzkillah Atas Soal-soalnya...
terimakasiih :D
semoga berkah..
Mantap banget kumpulan soalnya..thx ya
hatur nuhun pisan soal2nya bu
nyuhun pengapunten minta copas ngge bu
Jazakillaahu khairon katsiiro. Umm..
makasih soalnya :)
sukses sll
makasi ya bun soalnya .. sangat bermanfaat bu anak saya..
maksih soalnya :)
Thank's soalnya.
Suwun sanget....Barokallah..
terima kasih atas soal-soalnya. mohon diinformasikan soal-soal tes cela/esol. thanks sebelumnya.
So many grammatical mistakes and spelling. Need to learn more how to write questions in English.
Makasih ya bu, ini juga berguna untuk ukk nanti, makasih banget ya bu.
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